24 hour classroom training required, courses administered by a certified Private Security Firearms Instructor (Ex: Tigard Police Officer Chris Fender). Our Armed Security Training also includes scenario based Judgmental Use of Force training on the Threat Dynamics State-of-the-Art Simulators.
Threat Dynamics Armed Security Officer Training lessons in addition to the DPSST required Shooting qualifications includes:
- DPSST Life Fire Qualification (Enhanced)
- Use of Force Statute Familiarization
- Deployment of Legal Use of Deadly Force - including Avoidance Techniques
Fundamentals of Defensive Shooting, i.e. Holster draw techniques, Grip, Stance, Target Acquisition, Trigger discipline, Backstop awareness, Verbal Commands, Movement drills, After Action Procedures, etc...
- Active Shooter Response
- Command Presence & Verbal Warning Commuination training
- Illumination Techniques
- Critical Incident Survival Techniques
- Shooting Defensively from multiple platforms
- Reloading and Malfunction drill training
- First Responder First Aid Fundamentals
- Threat De-escalation techniques
- Arrest Authority and Control Training
- Less than Lethal Continuum Training
- 911 contact procedures
- Situational Threat Awareness training
- Personal Integrity and Moral Fitness awareness training in the Security field
You will need to provide the following equipment:
A duty ready handgun (Rentals are available by arrangement)
Your duty gear
150 rounds of practice ammunition (available on location or bring your own)
Hearing and eye protection (available for rent)
3 Day Course (8 hours each day w/30 minute lunches and two 15 minute breaks)